Nail surgery

Painful or deformed toenails can be partially or totally removed using a local anaesthetic.

A partial nail avulsion only removes a small side section of the nail keeping the main part of the nail. The problematic nail or ingrowing section is removed permanently to prevent re-occurance of the problem.

Corn removal

Corns generally develop over the bony joints of the foot and are caused by footwear pressures or mechanical pressures (how the foot loads to the floor).

Corns are painlessly removed, education and ways on preventing their return discussed.

Callus (hard skin)

Callus, as with corns generally develop from pressures to the feet.

Some individuals due to dermatological reasons may be more prone to callus build up. When the callus thickens it becomes painful as the skin loses its elasticity.

Painless removal of the callus by the Podiatrist relieves the discomfort.

Treatment options to reduce build up will also be discussed during your appointment.

Fungal Nails and fungal infections

Fungal nails are a common problem but often misdiagnosed.

Most fungal infections of the nails can be diagnosed clinically. It may be suggested that clippings of the nail need to be taken for microscopy and culture to confirm the diagnosis before any treatment begins.

Skin infections can be easily treated with various medicaments and foot health education to prevent return.


NICE (National Institute for Clinical Evidence) guidelines recommend treatment using Salycylic acid 60-70%.  The treatment involves six to eight treatments once a week. The acid remains in situ for three days after the visit and is held on by specialist padding.

We now offer Swift Treatment for verruca – more information here.

Dry needling is an effective one off treatment initiating the bodies own immune response to the verruca. Recent studies show a 70% success rate. A local anaesthetic is required for this treatment and may not be suitable for children.

Cryotherapy (freezing) is also offered in certain circumstances.

Heel pain

The heel has bypassing and innervating nerves, tendons, fascia and ligaments.

The most common heel pain is called plantar fasciitis. This can be a long and debilitating injury.

Many treatments are publicised and whole industries are based on this condition. Treatment offered at the clinic are evidence based, this includes looking at causative factors, stretching and strengthening regimes and if required, the use of orthoses (insoles), night splints and referrals for steroid injections.


Osteoarthritis in the foot can be painful. The most common joint in the foot to become osteoarthritic is the big toe joint. The condition is called a hallux limitus (limited movement) or a hallux rigidus (no movement).

But, the foot contains twenty-six bones, each of which articulates against one or more of its neighbours, and each articulation has the potential to degenerate through injury or time.

Treatments include orthoses (insoles), mobilization techniques and, if required, surgical referral.